KC Equestrian

Kansas City Equestrian

Kimberly Johnson

Equestrian Ambassador
Support KC FCA Equestrian

Here in Kansas City, the Lord is pioneering a new branch of the ministry with FCA Equestrian! Reaching a whole new environment of coaches and athletes, really leaning into our mission of leading EVERY coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church! God is using Kimberly Johnson to create the model for FCA Equestrian that is being duplicated all over the country and beyond!

Kimberly had the opportunity to speak to Bott Radio Network about what God is doing through FCA Equestrian.  You can listen to the episode by clicking on the button below!

Listen now!

Join Our
Horse Huddle!

Ages 8 to 18
Haul in and ride
Enjoy food and friends
Dig into the Word

Cross Creek Saddle Club
30504 Metcalf Rd, Louisburg, KS

Find out more! Check out our Facebook page!

Once a month, athletes and their parents gather for a time of riding, training and discipleship, proving that the disciple-making strategy that Jesus gave us can be carried out anywhere, even on the back of a horse.

March 14
April 8
May 13

Check out this NEW Equestrian Huddle opportunity in North KC!

This is not a riding program, but is a huddle for kids who don't have horses! All participants will get personal, hands-on learning experience with horses and mules at every monthly meeting!

Contact FCA Equestrian

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